Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Here's another funny story about Rebekah. As you know, the only way we can get Andrew calmed down when he is fussy (and the only way to get him to sleep) is to bounce him up and down. Well, Rebekah has a habit of throwing out all her bears from her crib before she wakes up and always puts them back in before she goes down. The other day, when she was putting her bears back in her crib, she "bounced" each of them for a little while to get them to sleep before putting them back in. She also did this with her she will forevor think that babies, animals, etc. go to sleep when you bounce them.
Meanwhile, Andrew had been more or less the same this past week (and even had a night where he was up every hour on the hour) and then Saturday night, after having a remarkably non-fussy day, he slept from 10 until 2:00 and then from 2:30 until 7:00. One caveat is that since he is still only sleeping while holding him, he did wake me up three or four times during that last stretch but since I was able to get him back to sleep without nursing him, I count that as a continuous stint. I could not have asked for a better Mother's Day gift. Needless to say, I was overjoyed and, given that Rebekah had turned around very quickly around 11 weeks old, I started hoping we were at a breakthrough with Andrew (I distinctly remember we were having some rough nights and then, all of the sudden, she just decided she wanted to sleep through the night, waking up only once around 3:00, and she never looked back after that). So last night Scott took him for the first part of the night and he tossed and turned with Scott until 2:00 and was up about every hour and a half from then on out. Part of me feels like a jilted lover and part of me is just grateful that he gave me that one night of rest. Meanwhile, I am wondering how on earth I will be able to get back to work in two weeks given that post-colic babies are not ready for sleep-training until around 4 months. We may cheat and start early if we get desperate enough....we'll keep you posted. Happy Mothers Day all!

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