Sunday, June 14, 2009


As we have started playing peek-a-boo with Rebekah, she has a great time just waiting for the "peek-a-boo" and then laughing. Her laugh almost sounds like a cry, but believe me, she's laughing. Unfortunately I'm having trouble uploading the video. I don't think it should take 12 hours to upload a 1 min video. Am I wrong? Am I doing something wrong? Please, blog world! Help me!
Today we were able to play some more piano with Rekebah. Mommy had her undivided attention the whole time she was playing. I wonder how early we can get her singing lessons. She seems to be absolutely fascinated with singing. I'm going to try and introduce her to some more art in the near future. Finger paints I think will be our next adventure. Wish us luck!


  1. When you start the finger painting lesson, use instant pudding... non toxic and tasty!!! Mom

  2. I've found that the only way to get videos to upload at a decent speed is to compress them to 1-2MB. I use Windows Movie Maker, but I don't know what the equivalent is for a Mac.
