Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall Update

 Here is a little about what each of our kids have been up to in the last 6 months or so...

  • Recently started a once-a-week, two-hour pre-school class through the Columbus rec center. She loves it, although Andrew sorely misses her while she is gone for those two hours. All he does is ask for her. He looks so relieved when we pick her up. I think each time he doubts whether or not he'll see her again.
  • Starting to read, write simple words. She also does some basic addition and counting. She can draw simple people too, which usually consists of arms and legs growing out of a face (the toddler classic)
  • Loves to cook (or watch mommy cook). Right now she can't do much else other than stir, but she is so fascinated. Sometimes she even narrates what is going on and makes small talk to an imaginary audience. I really have no idea where she picked this up from--I have never watched a cooking show in my life and don't think she has either, but that is exactly what it sounds like.
  • Since she will be turning four in December, we switched her to underwear in the beginning of September. For the first month, it was basically all accidents all the time. Did not seem to bother her, and she refused to use the potty unless it got her out of something, like sitting through church or going to bed. Finally she got to the point where she was (mostly) pee-trained (as long as we take her for 3 potty breaks in a 24 hour period, and at least now she is pretty okay with this). Still not poop-trained, mostly goes in her underwear.  So we've have had a total of one accident-free day since September.(And, yes, whatever you're thinking of suggesting, we've tried it. And we've also tried not doing anything at all, for extended periods of time.) She definitely has a little mind of her own But at least mom is no longer worried that she will have to start kindergarten a year late due to potty-training, as it seems there is an end in sight.
  • She loves riding her little tricycle and has gotten really good a pedaling, especially around the park.
  • Very good at making friends. When she sees a kid her age at the park, she will go up to them and say "Hi, my name is Rebekah.What's your name?" Sometimes they run away, sometimes they reply. She will say "Nice to meet you. How old are you?" Its really cute, although a little sad when they run away.  But Rebekah doesn't mind. She just runs after them, repeating her question. ("Hey, girl, what's your name?...")
  • One of my favorite Rebekah quotes:  Me: "When you get bigger, you will be a mommy."  Rebekah: "When you get smaller, you will be a Rebekah"


  • Since summer, has basically made a complete switch from being a mommy's boy to a daddy's boy. First thing he wants to do in the morning is see Daddy. Daddy has to give him breakfast and get him dressed. All day long while he's at school, he asks about Daddy, talks about Daddy, points to Daddy's things and says "Daddy". When he comes home he runs from whatever he is doing to Daddy. It is adorable (although can be difficult on the two days a week where Scott's classes run until 9:00 or 10:00 at night so he doesn't get to see him...).
  • Has gotten into reading lately, although it is hard for him to sit through a whole book.
  • Loves his cars. He almost always has one or two in his hand. But, since he still likes to hide things, our car supply is being depleted (we don't salvage the cars that go down the sewer). 
  • Great napper. He has about 2 hours or more a day, although we did go through a scare a little while back where he dropped his nap almost every day for about two weeks. But now he seems back on schedule. 
  • Very intense little boy. Not sure how else to describe his personality. Can be very demanding but can also play on his own, but he is always very intense on what he is doing.
  • He has mastered quite a few words (more than Rebekah at this age), although there are a lot of consonants he cannot make yet, so, while we know what he is saying, its not clear to anyone else.
  • Super picky eater. Lots of things he used to like he doesn't like anymore. He will turn away even kid-friendly foods like animal crackers, yogurt, bananas, ICE CREAM, etc. In fact, there is nothing I can always count on him to eat (most kids seem to have at least one thing they will always eat).  What he likes depends on the day, and some days he doesn't eat much of anything. I mean that quite literally. I would be a little less worried if he weren't 3 percentile for weight (and average for height)....
Now for some Halloween costumes: Rebekah was Rapunzel...

And Andrew was a pumpkin, although we couldn't get him to stay in his outfit long enough to get a picture, much less go trick or treating in it. This despite the fact that we picked out the least intrusive costume for him that we could (it was basically just a vest that he wore over his orange shirt). When we went trick-or-treating, since he wouldn't keep his pumpkin on, Rebekah decided that Andrew must be going as a "shirt". And that is what she told everyone (I"m Rapunzel, and Andrew is a shirt")
 Here is a picture from apple-picking, more are on facebook.

And this little video of the two of them dancing, which by the way they totally initiated. And I managed to only video the tale end of the whole thing, which, of course was the least cute portion, but at least you can see Rebekah spinning Andrew to the ground.
What an adorable pair!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! We can't wait to see you next month. Seth is dying to play with Rebekah.
